SINDO has relations with numerous investors, including Family Offices, High Net Worth Individuals, Government Linked Holding Companies, as well as Private Financial Institutions.

SINDO  maintains an expert in-house financial advisory team while also working closely with associate teams in the securities and legal spheres through our affiliate companies. This allows the team at SINDO to assist its clients in corporate financial activities involving acquisitions, expansions, and divestments. 

The SINDO team is well networked with a myriad of capital lenders and strategic institutions in several industries through regular collaboration with private financial institutions, government linked holding groups, family offices, as well as a variety of high network individuals. 

SINDO adopts a proactive approach to helping private companies and invests significant amounts of time and effort in understanding the intricacies surrounding any corporate activity. As a result, SINDO can deliver effective advisory solutions customized to the unique needs of our clientele. 

Capital Raising

SINDO provides financial advisory to companies in all stages of corporate development and specializes in aiding those looking for short to medium term investment and financing.

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Marketing Strategy

SINDO works closely with partners within our Corporate Group to advise clients on overarching marketing strategy and execution, including the allocation of marketing budgets. 

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Management Consulting

SINDO reviews clients operational, financial, and managerial performance to better advise and maximize returns on capital as well as different approaches for organizational structuring and operations optimization. 

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Financial Advisory

SINDO provides an all-inclusive platform to assist clients in finding merger partners, performing asset valuation, tax and financial planning, and providing guidance in the financial due diligence process for strategic corporate activities.

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Legal Advisory

SINDO group’s law firm specializes in intersecting the best law and economics practices. Armed with this knowledge, our corporate lawyering allows us to give clients a steady, empowering capability to plan ahead while mitigating legal risk factors.

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IT Solutions

With a robust understanding in various industries as well as expertise in the newest tech platforms, AI, and programs, our team is qualified to provide customized and innovative solutions to increase operational efficiency and the overall performance of your business.

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